
Mostrando entradas de marzo, 2022

Blog 1: My autobiography

I was born a 9 June a 2000 in Santiago, Chile (yes, i am gemini, don`t judge me). My mother is from Tanzania and my father is from Chile, they met in 1998 in Peñalolen. Currently I live in the same district. I live with my mother, father, uncle and little bother, my brother is 10 years old. He was born one day before Christmas. I love my family, they are so special to me. Also, I live with my baby dog Bella, her name is for the series  Floribella.  I studied primary and secondary in the San Fernando school. After completing my high school, I  took one year for me. At this time, I did  many dance and theater workshop. As well as entering a troupe, the first moment danced and later play cymbals. After this year I joined the university. I study theatrical performance at the University of Chile. I am in my second year. I love hang out with my friends, ride a bicycle, watch movies, go to the theater and listen to music. 💕🐒