
Blog 4: A meal or food you like

  Hi everyone! Today I am going to talk about my favorite food. This is a papapleto, this is a the best food in the world because combines a completo whit potato fries.  I discovered this when I became vegetarian, In the places where they sell french fries and completos always sell papapletos. The best thing is that it is not expensive. The papapleto contains bread, potato fries, avocado, tomatoes and mayonnaise. This is if you want it italian because there are other options of ingredents but I like italian whit homemade mayonnaise. This food may have vegan options but it depends on the place. I like this food because I really like potato fries, is my other favoriete food and also like completos. This combination is really delicious, is the best invention<3 I have tried papapletos in different communes, I may do the route of the best hahaha! This food is not very good for the health, but if you eat the sometimes is not bad. Will make you had a good day🍟🌭💘

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

Hi! My favorite piece of technology is my iphone. I use it all day specially in the afternoon and night after the university, every day. I use my iphone to communicate with my family and friends. Also I use to see social media, particulary Instagram and Tiktok but the latter I use when I am very bored. Additionally, I use it to search information for the university, I use it to take photos because the camera is very good and I use it to listen to music on Spotify. Basically I use my iphone for everything but I spend a lot of  time on it. When I use it to procrastinate a long time and be distracted from my duties but also it has good things because it helps me to keep connected and I entertained with it. I recommend using it but with caution, use it with schedules because it consumes your time. 👾

Blog 2: Why did you choose this career?

Hi everyone! When I was a child I wanted to be a hairdresser because i cut my father's hair but not much and also brushed his hair with a lot of water, I think i liked hairdressing because I played with water. Later I wanted to be a doctor but this idea lasted a little.  When I was in the school, I always wanted to study theater but in my school some professors recommended to study other careers and for this I thought of studying social work, because i like to help people and make work in field, but this idea went away quickly because I actually wanted to study my first option. I decided theater because i really like acting, interpret people, create in collective and I wanted to learn about theatrical history.  In 2020 I entered in career in the university of Chile. This is my first time in-person classes because my first year in university was online (I hate that). This experience is new for me but i really like it is very fun. Sometimes I feel tired, and a little mad for precario

Blog 1: My autobiography

I was born a 9 June a 2000 in Santiago, Chile (yes, i am gemini, don`t judge me). My mother is from Tanzania and my father is from Chile, they met in 1998 in Peñalolen. Currently I live in the same district. I live with my mother, father, uncle and little bother, my brother is 10 years old. He was born one day before Christmas. I love my family, they are so special to me. Also, I live with my baby dog Bella, her name is for the series  Floribella.  I studied primary and secondary in the San Fernando school. After completing my high school, I  took one year for me. At this time, I did  many dance and theater workshop. As well as entering a troupe, the first moment danced and later play cymbals. After this year I joined the university. I study theatrical performance at the University of Chile. I am in my second year. I love hang out with my friends, ride a bicycle, watch movies, go to the theater and listen to music. 💕🐒